Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Upcoming appearance LA Times Festival o' Books!

I'm going to be signing books at the L.A Times Festival of Books on April 25th, 12-1pm at the Simon and Schuster booth. Pretty exciting, I've been invite as an author twice before and the first time my former publisher didn't get the books there in time...so I didn't have much to do that time. I did see a lot of graphic novels that I wanted to buy and had to stop myself from going nuts with. We're pushing for some good LA press and other coverage and I'm recording a cool reading of the prologue of Keep Sweet for my site and I'll add it to this blog as well. Lots to do, never enough time....a writer's life....sigh. 

Also, be sure to check out the you tube video for Keep Sweet at


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Keeping Sweet...or How to Be A Stepford Wife

Hey all you YA readers and adult readers and senior readers and canine readers....(huh?)
I'm convinced my dogs can read in their own special way. At any rate, my new book, Keep Sweet, is out from Simon and Schuster and getting great reviews and attention...so thanks to all the bloggers and book groups and such who have supported it! I started a discussion on my the KS facebook page...but no one knows it's there yet so no one joined in....but I'll continue here....
I want to know what young people think about groups like the FLDS, the kind of community that the main character of Keep Sweet lives in. Some say it is about religious freedom or parental rights...but they are mostly adults. What do you all think? POst some replies and let's get talking!