Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Keep Sweet-er

Okay, clearly it is not as easy to find the time to blog as one thinks it will be. Who are these people who have time to do blog posts every few hours....or twitter about ongoing events? At any rate, I continue to battle to find the time to write. Life maintenance takes up so much time and energy that by the end of the day, my brain is like a poached egg and all I want to do is watch those true crime shows on TLC or my personal favorite, Hoarders: Buried Alive. I love that show, really. Just the piles and piles of stuff that people live beneath.
Keep Sweet is moving along nicely, getting excellent reviews and building a little buzz. And, the big news is that it has been optioned by ABC Family for development as a series. Which would give us as viewers, a chance to see the fall out from an FLDS upbringing every week  on our television sets. The development process is its own can of worms but so far, so good. I continue to do the outreach for it which really could be a full time job on top of my other careers. If I could clone me, I could do it, with three or four Michele's sitting around the house on computers. My new plan is to get up at 5am to write before the day starts. Several successful female novelists have done that, to get their work done before the family insanity starts each day. Of course, it is women writers who follow that plan because they have to write the books, cook the breakfast, make the beds, etc. I am not a morning person at all, I find it an affront to rise before the sun is up but I will have to try it because there is just no time otherwise. perhaps it will be peaceful, once I get past the knitted brow, bleary eyed grouch that I meet in the bathroom mirror, the one saying "What the hell am I doing up at this hour?"If you early risers who get the worms have any advice, please weigh in. 

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